segunda-feira, 11 de abril de 2011

travel light before traveling stupid

O HAI! we're back. and we won't bother doing a Portuguese version anymore. why? because we're lazy. we don't even use capitals much.

so, anyway, if you're in the mood for traveling, how about taking a schmuck with you? no? are you sure? we have them in many, many sizes.

a lil' schmuck case, perhaps?

still no? well, we tried. it's not our fault you're such a schmuck.

(cell phone picture taken by the staff)

quarta-feira, 24 de novembro de 2010

beat on the rat with the baseball bat

PT: Fico aqui pensando se os 'tacos' são bastões literais pra matar ratos. Ao menos ninguém pode chegar lá e se sentir desavisado.

EN: No, it's not the price that's making Anderson a bit scared... but I think it's safe to say he's not that excited about having rat for dinner tonight. Right?

this is from a newsletter. alternative skunk version here. I mean text, text version. (here)

sexta-feira, 1 de outubro de 2010

Rule #1: we need the right servley

PT: Quem mais imagina a equipe de Sergio K concebendo essa "estampa" em um guardanapo de papel? Concepção essa, feita por alguém cuja grafia do número cinco é, digamos, bastante fluida?

EN: Having to look at this shirt was probably the worse IS minutes of my life too.

original: Sergio K collection for C&A (shot with my phone)

quinta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2010

we need live aid.

PT: Festival de analfabetismo: seria esse um termo muito forte para descrever um evento em que nem de graça as pessoas querem ir?

EN: Well, since the sentence needed a subject, we thought we might help. But it's help on their terms, of course. And no, so far we have no idea whether Anderson is upset because of all the bad grammar or because Linkin Park is putting out another album.


segunda-feira, 23 de agosto de 2010

howw soon is noww?

PT: Gramática correta: mais fora de moda do que qualquer coisa que você vestiu há três meses.

EN: I think I speak for anyone here when I say we caan't waait. Who said grammar was fashionable?


context | via

quarta-feira, 18 de agosto de 2010

follow the leader

PT: Hummmmmm, como colocar isso de forma eloquente? Chupa New York Times?

EN: Oh, come on, it's only the NYT. It's not like it's a real newspaper.

I keep thinking someone who would write this would also go "Dammit, how did MS Word not know that one?!" afterwards.

(originalnow fixed)

via @johnemcintyre

sexta-feira, 21 de maio de 2010

É proibido fumar, diz a matéria gramaticalmente incorreta que eu li.

PT: Eu sabia que esse dia chegaria! Finalmente Samuel Rosa e cia. são, oficialmente, droga.

EN: Rest assured it is not a slutty strain of pot. It's just tasteless music.


sexta-feira, 23 de abril de 2010

osso duro de roer.

PT: Sugestão: contratar um revisor, durão, daqueles que não deixam passar nada.

EN: When in doubt, check things. On the spot. Personally, I would have translated it as "lorem ipsum".


quinta-feira, 8 de abril de 2010

Come on, vogue! Let your grammar move to the music.

PT: Conseguir, de todas as alternativas, utilizar aquela que não existe em nenhuma das duas línguas é obra de mestre.

EN: Well, it's VOGUE. Can't really expect *that* much.


sábado, 27 de março de 2010

you could be fine

PT: Modelu, atris, tradutoura, grupie e rainha foguetera.

EN: Seriously, could this get any better? (It's so tempting to add a "Back Off Bitch" here right now... oops!)
